33 Ways to Rest Well with ME/CFS

One of the cornerstones of living well with ME/CFS is getting your rests right - certainly, that’s what was true for me. When I did get my rests right, I had moments when I felt ‘okay’, when my brain fog was less and when I felt even normal. Those moments may well have been brief …

A Messed up Fight-Flight-Freeze Response? How I made sense of my ME/CFS, and how my explanation may help you too.

When I first read about the idea that ME/CFS was caused by the fight-flight-freeze response being on all the time, my reaction was doubt. There are many, many theories about what causes ME/CFS, was this just another one? Then as I learnt more about the fight-flight-freeze response, I found myself asking ‘How well does this fit with …

I would have paid ten thousand pounds.

I would have paid ten thousand pounds to be better. ME/ Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is an illness that, perhaps, to some people doesn’t seem much: ‘Everybody gets tired’. This is an illness that you have to live with before you feel the far-reaching implications of never having much energy. An illness that is more …

I had the information I needed….I just hadn’t seen it.

What would you do if you were trying to improve one aspect of your ME/CFS life, but it just wasn’t working? Rant and rage, first? You’ve spent a lot of effort trying to improve things, but what you wanted to happen hasn’t. How gutting is that?  But what then? Would you consider going back over …

Six reasons it’s so easy to make the ‘wrong’ choices when you have a chronic illness.

My other half was cross with himself. ‘Why did I agree? Why didn’t I say no?’ A bad back meant Gary couldn’t cycle to the café as I was doing (here's why I can do that), so he’d agreed to drive there to meet up. But it had been too far for his back, and …

Why I didn’t use supplements for my ME/CFS….but still recovered.

At the very start of having ME/CFS, when all I knew was that I didn’t have the energy levels I was used to, somebody suggested I see a nutritionist to help my fatigue. The naturopath I saw both helped me eat a healthier diet and also suggested a very good quality programme of supplements (mainly …

‘It’s the little details that matter’

My other half is struggling with a painful back at the moment, which just isn’t sorting itself out. He’s been using different things such as gentle stretching, walking, resting and a heat rub, and occasional pain killers. The problem is, he’s not using them very consistently. He will put the heat rub on his back …